Documentation v1.0.3


Blaze HTML Pro v1.0.3 - 25 April, 2024


  • Bootstrap v5.3.3 stable update integration - Changelog.
  • DataTables v2.0.5 stable update integration - Changelog.
  • Tempus Dominus Datepicker v6.9.6 update - Preview.
  • Tagify v4.24.0 update - Preview.
  • ApexCharts v3.49.0 update - Preview.
  • Ckeditor v41.3.1 update - Preview.
  • Fontawesome Free v6.5.2 update - Preview.
  • Bootstrap Icons v1.11.3 update - Preview.
  • Chart.js v4.4.2 update - Preview.
  • Axios v1.6.8 update.
  • Moment v2.30.1 update.


  • Buttons Secondary color style issue - Preview.
  • Badges Secondary color style issue - Preview.
  • Webpack Build issue on Windows.


  • Bootstrap v5.3.2 stable update integration - Changelog.
  • KTMenu 3rd-party plugins integration - Preview.
  • Tempus Dominus Datepicker v6.7.16 update - Preview.
  • Datatables v1.13.6 update - Preview.
  • Form Validation v2.4.0 update - Preview.
  • Ckeditor v40.0.0 update - Preview.
  • Fontawesome Free v6.4.2 update - Preview.
  • Tagify v4.17.9 update - Preview.
  • jQuery v3.7.1 update.
  • ApexCharts v3.44.0 update - Preview.
  • Axios v1.6.0 update.
  • Bootstrap Icons v1.10.5 update - Preview.
  • Chart.js v4.4.0 update - Preview.
  • Clipboard v2.0.11 update - Preview.
  • Countup.js v2.8.0 update - Preview.
  • Cropperjs v1.6.1 update - Preview.
  • Flot Charts v4.2.6 update - Preview.
  • SweetAlert v11.4.8 downgrade due a change on v11.4.9 and above versions - Learn More.
  • Vis Timeline v7.7.3 update - Preview.
  • SASS Global theme color improvements in SASS
  • SASS Added src/sass/components/_variables.override.scss SASS config file to override Bootstrap SASS variables
  • Content Global class replacement of text-gray-400 with text-gray-500
  • Content Global class replacement of text-dakr with text-gray-900


  • Ckeditor Dark mode issue - Preview.


  • Bootstrap v5.3.0 stable update integration - Changelog.
  • KTMenu 3rd-party plugins integration - Preview.
  • KTDrawer Close drawer with escape key press support - Preview.
  • KTScroll Major browsers compatiblity improvements - Preview.
  • KTScroll Scroll overlay mode depreceated due to overflow: overlay attribute is no longer supported by Webkit - Preview.
  • Quil RTL mode support - Preview.
  • Tempus Dominus Datepicker v6.7.10 update - Preview.
  • Datatables v1.13.5 update - Preview.
  • Form Validation v2.4.0 update - Preview.
  • Ckeditor v38.0.1 update - Preview.
  • Fontawesome Free v6.4.0 update - Preview.
  • Popperjs v2.11.8 update.
  • Tagify v4.17.18 update - Preview.
  • jQuery v3.7.0 update.
  • ApexCharts v3.41.0 update - Preview.
  • Autosize v6.0.1 update - Preview.
  • Axios v1.4.0 update.
  • Bootstrap Cookie Alert v1.2.2 update - Preview.
  • Bootstrap Icons v1.10.5 update - Preview.
  • Chart.js v4.3.0 update - Preview.
  • Clipboard v1.5.13 update - Preview.
  • Countup.js v2.7.0 update - Preview.
  • Cropperjs v1.5.13 update - Preview.
  • Flatpickr v4.6.13 update - Preview.
  • Flot Charts v4.2.3 update - Preview.
  • Fullscreen Lightbox v3.4.1 update - Preview.
  • Inputmask v5.0.8 update - Preview.
  • Leaflet v1.9.4 update.
  • Tiny Slider v2.9.4 update - Preview.
  • Toastr v2.1.4 update - Preview.
  • Typed.js v2.0.16 update - Preview.
  • Vis Timeline v7.7.2 update - Preview.


  • Form Control Solid style disabled state - Preview.
  • KTSticky Mobile mode bug fix - Preview.
  • KTScroll Firefox mode bug fix - Preview.
  • Select2 Multiple select bug in KTMenu - Preview.
  • Datatables Fixed header issue - Preview.
  • Initial release.
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