Documentation v1.0.3

jKanban is a pure agnostic Javascript plugin for Kanban boards. For more info see the official siteand the Github repository.

Basic Example

Here's a basic jKanban Board example. For more info, please visit the official website.
"use strict";

// Class definition
var KTJKanbanDemoBasic = function() {
    // Private functions
    var exampleBasic = function() {
        var kanban = new jKanban({
            element: '#kt_docs_jkanban_basic',
            gutter: '0',
            widthBoard: '250px',
            boards: [{
                    'id': '_inprocess',
                    'title': 'In Process',
                    'item': [{
                            'title': '<span class="fw-bold">You can drag me too</span>'
                            'title': '<span class="fw-bold">Buy Milk</span>'
                }, {
                    'id': '_working',
                    'title': 'Working',
                    'item': [{
                            'title': '<span class="fw-bold">Do Something!</span>'
                            'title': '<span class="fw-bold">Run?</span>'
                }, {
                    'id': '_done',
                    'title': 'Done',
                    'item': [{
                            'title': '<span class="fw-bold">All right</span>'
                            'title': '<span class="fw-bold">Ok!</span>'

    return {
        // Public Functions
        init: function() {

// On document ready
KTUtil.onDOMContentLoaded(function() {
<div id="kt_docs_jkanban_basic"></div>
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