
Documentation v1.1.6

jsTree is jquery plugin, that provides interactive trees. For more info please visit the plugin's Home or Github Repo.

Drag & Drop

Here's a jsTree example with drag and drop functionality. For more info, please visit the official website.
    "core" : {
        "themes" : {
            "responsive": false
        // so that create works
        "check_callback" : true,
        'data': [{
                "text": "Parent Node",
                "children": [{
                    "text": "Initially selected",
                    "state": {
                        "selected": true
                }, {
                    "text": "Custom Icon",
                    "icon": "ki-solid ki-map text-danger fs-5"
                }, {
                    "text": "Initially open",
                    "icon" : "ki-solid ki-folder text-success",
                    "state": {
                        "opened": true
                    "children": [
                        {"text": "Another node", "icon" : "ki-solid ki-file text-waring"}
                }, {
                    "text": "Another Custom Icon",
                    "icon": "ki-solid ki-book text-warning fs-6"
                }, {
                    "text": "Disabled Node",
                    "icon": "ki-solid ki-check text-success",
                    "state": {
                        "disabled": true
                }, {
                    "text": "Sub Nodes",
                    "icon": "fa fa-folder text-danger",
                    "children": [
                        {"text": "Item 1", "icon" : "ki-solid ki-file text-waring"},
                        {"text": "Item 2", "icon" : "ki-solid ki-file text-success"},
                        {"text": "Item 3", "icon" : "ki-solid ki-file text-default"},
                        {"text": "Item 4", "icon" : "ki-solid ki-file text-danger"},
                        {"text": "Item 5", "icon" : "ki-solid ki-file text-info"}
            "Another Node"
    "types" : {
        "default" : {
            "icon" : "ki-solid ki-folder text-success"
        "file" : {
            "icon" : "ki-solid ki-file  text-success"
    "state" : { "key" : "demo2" },
    "plugins" : [ "dnd", "state", "types" ]
<div id="kt_docs_jstree_dragdrop"></div>
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