Cookie Alert requires a simple .cookiealert CSS class added to any HTML element that will represent the cookie alert message.
Add .acceptcookies CSS class to the cookie "Accept" button to trigger the cookie acceptance.
The cookie alert element can include all of Bootstrap 5 classes, along with our own extended Boostrap 5 CSS classes to make it look and feel exactly as required.
Cookie Alert
Here's an example of Cookie Alert popping up from the bottom of the screen.
Here's an example of a cookie alert pop up from the bottom of the screen. Click the "Agree" button to accept the cookie. Learn more
<!--begin::Cookie alert-->
<div class="d-flex d-lg-block flex-column bg-dark text-light text-center rounded-0 cookiealert py-5">
Here's an example of a cookie alert pop up from the bottom of the screen.
Click the "Agree" button to accept the cookie.
<a href="#">Learn more</a>
<button type="button" class="btn btn-primary d-inline mx-auto ms-lg-5 acceptcookies mt-5 mt-lg-0">
I agree
<!--end::Cookie alert-->
Accept Event
Cookie Alert also comes with an event triggered upon accepting the cookie.
Allows JS to hook any function upon accepting a cookie. For more info, please visit the official documentation.