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jQuery Idle Timer fires a custom event when the user is "idle".
For more info please visit the Plugin's Github Repo

jQuery Idle Timer

The idle timer is built on jQuery and provides two events: idle.idleTimer and active.idleTimer, which fire when the user's idle state has changed. When you move your mouse over the page or start typing, you're considered active. On this page we have two idle timers. One for the entire document. Another for the text area on the right (or bottom if your on mobile).

Document Demo second timeout

                            <div class="btn-group mb-10">
                                <a href="javascript:;" id="btPause" class="btn btn-outline-secondary">Pause</a>
                                <a href="javascript:;" id="btResume" class="btn btn-outline-secondary">Resume</a>
                                <a href="javascript:;" id="btElapsed" class="btn btn-outline-secondary">Elapsed</a>
                                <a href="javascript:;" id="btInit" class="btn btn-outline-secondary">Init</a>
                                <a href="javascript:;" id="btDestroy" class="btn btn-outline-secondary">Destroy</a>
                            <textarea rows="10" cols="30" id="docStatus" class="form-control"></textarea><br />

                            var KTIdleTimerDemo = function() {
                                var _init = function() {
                                    //Define default
                                    var docTimeout = 5000;

                                    Handle raised idle/active events
                                    $(document).on("idle.idleTimer", function(event, elem, obj) {
                                            .val(function(i, v) {
                                                return v + "Idle @ " + moment().format() + " \n";
                                    $(document).on("active.idleTimer", function(event, elem, obj, e) {
                                            .val(function(i, v) {
                                                return v + "Active [" + e.type + "] [" + e.target.nodeName + "] @ " + moment().format() + " \n";

                                    Handle button events
                                    $("#btPause").click(function() {
                                            .val(function(i, v) {
                                                return v + "Paused @ " + moment().format() + " \n";
                                        return false;
                                    $("#btResume").click(function() {
                                            .val(function(i, v) {
                                                return v + "Resumed @ " + moment().format() + " \n";
                                        return false;
                                    $("#btElapsed").click(function() {
                                            .val(function(i, v) {
                                                return v + "Elapsed (since becoming active): " + $(document).idleTimer("getElapsedTime") + " \n";
                                        return false;
                                    $("#btDestroy").click(function() {
                                            .val(function(i, v) {
                                                return v + "Destroyed: @ " + moment().format() + " \n";
                                        return false;
                                    $("#btInit").click(function() {
                                        // for demo purposes show init with just object
                                            timeout: docTimeout
                                            .val(function(i, v) {
                                                return v + "Init: @ " + moment().format() + " \n";

                                        //Apply classes for default state
                                        if ($(document).idleTimer("isIdle")) {
                                        } else {
                                        return false;

                                    //Clear old statuses

                                    //Start timeout, passing no options
                                    //Same as $.idleTimer(docTimeout, docOptions);

                                    //For demo purposes, style based on initial state
                                    if ($(document).idleTimer("isIdle")) {
                                            .val(function(i, v) {
                                                return v + "Initial Idle State @ " + moment().format() + " \n";
                                    } else {
                                            .val(function(i, v) {
                                                return v + "Initial Active State @ " + moment().format() + " \n";

                                    //For demo purposes, display the actual timeout on the page
                                    $("#docTimeout").text(docTimeout / 1000);

                                return {
                                    //main function to initiate the module
                                    init: function() {

                            jQuery(document).ready(function() {

Element Demo second timeout

                            <div class="btn-group mb-10">
                                <a href="javascript:;" id="btReset" class="btn btn-outline-secondary">Reset</a>
                                <a href="javascript:;" id="btLastActive" class="btn btn-outline-secondary">Last Active</a>
                                <a href="javascript:;" id="btRemaining" class="btn btn-outline-secondary">Remaining</a>
                                <a href="javascript:;" id="btState" class="btn btn-outline-secondary">State</a>
                            <textarea rows="10" cols="30" id="elStatus" class="form-control"></textarea><br />

                            var KTIdleTimerDemo = function() {
                                var _init = function() {
                                    //Define textarea settings
                                        taTimeout = 3000;

                                    Handle raised idle/active events
                                    $("#elStatus").on("idle.idleTimer", function(event, elem, obj) {
                                        //If you dont stop propagation it will bubble up to document event handler

                                            .val(function(i, v) {
                                                return v + "Idle @ " + moment().format() + " \n";

                                    $("#elStatus").on("active.idleTimer", function(event) {
                                        //If you dont stop propagation it will bubble up to document event handler

                                            .val(function(i, v) {
                                                return v + "Active @ " + moment().format() + " \n";

                                    Handle button events
                                    $("#btReset").click(function() {
                                            .val(function(i, v) {
                                                return v + "Reset @ " + moment().format() + " \n";

                                        //Apply classes for default state
                                        if ($("#elStatus").idleTimer("isIdle")) {
                                        } else {
                                        return false;
                                    $("#btRemaining").click(function() {
                                            .val(function(i, v) {
                                                return v + "Remaining: " + $("#elStatus").idleTimer("getRemainingTime") + " \n";
                                        return false;
                                    $("#btLastActive").click(function() {
                                            .val(function(i, v) {
                                                return v + "LastActive: " + $("#elStatus").idleTimer("getLastActiveTime") + " \n";
                                        return false;
                                    $("#btState").click(function() {
                                            .val(function(i, v) {
                                                return v + "State: " + ($("#elStatus").idleTimer("isIdle") ? "idle" : "active") + " \n";
                                        return false;

                                    //Clear value if there was one cached & start time

                                    //For demo purposes, show initial state
                                    if ($("#elStatus").idleTimer("isIdle")) {
                                            .val(function(i, v) {
                                                return v + "Initial Idle @ " + moment().format() + " \n";
                                    } else {
                                            .val(function(i, v) {
                                                return v + "Initial Active @ " + moment().format() + " \n";

                                    // Display the actual timeout on the page
                                    $("#elTimeout").text(taTimeout / 1000);


                                return {
                                    //main function to initiate the module
                                    init: function() {

                            jQuery(document).ready(function() {

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