Documentation v8.1.9

Metronic's Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. A web framework provides a structure and starting point for creating your application, allowing you to focus on creating something amazing while we sweat the details. More information on the installation can be found in

Laravel Quick Start

  1. Download the latest theme source from the Marketplace.
  2. Download and install Node.js from Nodejs. The suggested version to install is 14.16.x LTS.
  3. Start a command prompt window or terminal and change directory to [unpacked path]:
  4. Install the latest Yarn with NPM:
    npm install --global yarn
  5. Composer is an application-level package manager for the PHP programming language that provides a standard format for managing dependencies of PHP software and required libraries. To install Composer globally, download the installer from Verify that Composer in successfully installed, and version of installed Composer will appear:
    composer --version
  6. Install Composer dependencies.
    composer install
    Some plugins are not supported in the latest Laravel version and may cause installation errors. The new --ignore-platform-req option can be used to set specific requirements that Composer can ignore.
    composer install --ignore-platform-req=php --optimize-autoloader
  7. Install NPM dependencies using Yarn.
  8. The below command will compile all the assets(sass, js, media) to public folder:
    npm run dev
    Above command will compile the default demo1 layout. To build more demos, go to Multi-demo page.
  9. Copy .env.example file and create duplicate. Use cp command for Linux or Mac user.
    cp .env.example .env
    If you are using Windows, use copy instead of cp.
    copy .env.example .env
  10. Create a table in MySQL database and fill the database details DB_DATABASE in .env file.
  11. The below command will create tables into database using Laravel migration and seeder.
    php artisan migrate:fresh --seed
  12. Generate your application encryption key.
    php artisan key:generate
  13. Start the localhost server:
    php artisan serve
    Keep the console open. Open this link to run http://localhost:8000/. It will take a few seconds for the build to finish. To stop a localhost environment, press Ctrl+C.
  14. Optional step. This command is required for the image upload feature. For more information, check the Laravel documentation here.
    php artisan storage:link