
Here’s a list of settings available in Metronic Symfony core and their default values. The config location is in /starterkit/config/services.yaml
Name Type Description
KT_THEME_LAYOUT_DIRmandatoryA property used for a layout partials directory location. Default value: layout.
KT_THEME_MODE_DEFAULTmandatoryDefault theme mode value. The supported values are light, dark and system.
KT_THEME_MODE_SWITCH_ENABLEDmandatoryEnable theme mode switch toggle. The default value: true.
KT_THEME_DIRECTIONmandatorySet the text writing direction. The supported values are rtl and ltr. RTL is the writing starts from the right of the page and continues to the left (Right-to-Left). Default value: ltr.
KT_THEME_ASSETSmandatoryA set of configuration array for assets included in the application. Eg. favicon, fonts, css, js, etc.
faviconmandatoryDisplay an icon as a visual reminder of the Web site identity in the address bar or in tabs.
fontsmandatoryThe fonts settings for this application.
cssmandatoryCSS files included globally for all pages.
jsmandatoryJS files included globally for all pages.
KT_THEME_VENDORSoptionalA list of vendors available in the package. The vendor can be added using an APi function. Eg. theme.addVendor('datatable'). Refer to the Theme API page.
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