
Metronic comes with the theme configuration which you can easily update in file themesettings.json.
Name Type Description
LayoutDir mandatory Property used for a layout views directory.
Direction mandatory Default theme direction. The supported values are rtl and ltr.
ModeSwitchEnabled mandatory Set the text writing direction. The supported values are rtl and ltr. RTL is the writing starts from the right of the page and continues to the left (Right-to-Left). Default value: ltr
ModeDefault mandatory Default theme mode value. The supported values are light, dark and system.
AssetsDir mandatory Relative assets path in wwwroot folder.
Assets mandatory Theme main mandatory assets configuration property.
Favicon mandatory Theme favicon.
Fonts mandatory Theme fonts array, you can extend the fonts array with your fonts.
Css mandatory Theme css files, will be added globally for all pages.
Js mandatory Theme js files, will be added globally for all pages.
Vendors optional

An array of vendor files:

"VendorName": {
    "Css": [
        // vendor css files
    "Js": [
        // vendor js files
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