
Documentation v1.1.5


Craft customizes the Bootstrap Alerts  through creative use of Bootstrap utilities and with handpicked icons.


Use .alert with .alert-{color} classes to set the alert's style defined with $theme-colors mapped in src/sass/components/_variables.scss:

This is an alert

The alert component can be used to highlight certain parts of your page for higher content visibility.

This is an alert

The alert component can be used to highlight certain parts of your page for higher content visibility.

This is an alert

The alert component can be used to highlight certain parts of your page for higher content visibility.

This is an alert

The alert component can be used to highlight certain parts of your page for higher content visibility.

This is an alert

The alert component can be used to highlight certain parts of your page for higher content visibility.
<div class="alert alert-primary d-flex align-items-center p-5">
    <i class="ki-duotone ki-shield-tick fs-2hx text-success me-4"><span class="path1"></span><span class="path2"></span></i>

    <div class="d-flex flex-column">
        <h4 class="mb-1 text-dark">This is an alert</h4>

        <span>The alert component can be used to highlight certain parts of your page for higher content visibility.</span>

Solid Colors

Use .alert with .bg-{color} classes to set the alert's style with a solid color. Please refer to our Theme colors for more info.
Add the class .alert-dismissible to the parent .alert wrapper and data-bs-dismiss="alert" to the close button to allow dismissing alerts. Please take note of the HTML markup sample below for all required responsive classes.

This is an alert

The alert component can be used to highlight certain parts of your page for higher content visibility.

This is an alert

The alert component can be used to highlight certain parts of your page for higher content visibility.

This is an alert

The alert component can be used to highlight certain parts of your page for higher content visibility.

This is an alert

The alert component can be used to highlight certain parts of your page for higher content visibility.
<div class="alert alert-dismissible bg-primary d-flex flex-column flex-sm-row p-5 mb-10">
    <i class="ki-duotone ki-search-list fs-2hx text-light me-4 mb-5 mb-sm-0"><span class="path1"></span><span class="path2"></span><span class="path3"></span></i>

    <div class="d-flex flex-column text-light pe-0 pe-sm-10">
        <h4 class="mb-2 light">This is an alert</h4>

        <span>The alert component can be used to highlight certain parts of your page for higher content visibility.</span>

    <button type="button" class="position-absolute position-sm-relative m-2 m-sm-0 top-0 end-0 btn btn-icon ms-sm-auto" data-bs-dismiss="alert">
        <i class="ki-duotone ki-cross fs-1 text-light"><span class="path1"></span><span class="path2"></span></i>

Light Colors

Use .alert with .bg-light-{color} classes to set the alert's style with a light color. Please refer to our Theme colors for more info.
Add the class .alert-dismissible to the parent .alert wrapper and data-bs-dismiss="alert" to the close button to allow dismissing alerts. Please take note of the HTML markup sample below for all required responsive classes.

This is an alert

The alert component can be used to highlight certain parts of your page for higher content visibility.

This is an alert

The alert component can be used to highlight certain parts of your page for higher content visibility.

This is an alert

The alert component can be used to highlight certain parts of your page for higher content visibility.

This is an alert

The alert component can be used to highlight certain parts of your page for higher content visibility.
<div class="alert alert-dismissible bg-light-primary d-flex flex-column flex-sm-row p-5 mb-10">
    <i class="ki-duotone ki-notification-bing fs-2hx text-primary me-4 mb-5 mb-sm-0"><span class="path1"></span><span class="path2"></span><span class="path3"></span></i>

    <div class="d-flex flex-column pe-0 pe-sm-10">
        <h4 class="fw-semibold">This is an alert</h4>

        <span>The alert component can be used to highlight certain parts of your page for higher content visibility.</span>

    <button type="button" class="position-absolute position-sm-relative m-2 m-sm-0 top-0 end-0 btn btn-icon ms-sm-auto" data-bs-dismiss="alert">
        <i class="ki-duotone ki-cross fs-1 text-primary"><span class="path1"></span><span class="path2"></span></i>

Border Options

Use .alert with .bg-light-{color} and .border classes to set the alert's style with borders. Please refer to our Theme colors and Borders for more info.
Add the class .alert-dismissible to the parent .alert wrapper and data-bs-dismiss="alert" to the close button to allow dismissing alerts. Please take note of the HTML markup sample below for all required responsive classes.
This is an alert with a basic border
The alert component can be used to highlight certain parts of your page for higher content visibility.
This is an alert with a dashed border
The alert component can be used to highlight certain parts of your page for higher content visibility.
This is an alert with a thick border
The alert component can be used to highlight certain parts of your page for higher content visibility.
This is an alert with a thick dashed border
The alert component can be used to highlight certain parts of your page for higher content visibility.
<div class="alert alert-dismissible bg-light-primary border border-primary d-flex flex-column flex-sm-row p-5 mb-10">
    <i class="ki-duotone ki-search-list fs-2hx text-success me-4 mb-5 mb-sm-0"><span class="path1"></span><span class="path2"></span><span class="path3"></span></i>

    <div class="d-flex flex-column pe-0 pe-sm-10">
        <h5 class="mb-1">This is an alert</h5>

        <span>The alert component can be used to highlight certain parts of your page for higher content visibility.</span>

    <button type="button" class="position-absolute position-sm-relative m-2 m-sm-0 top-0 end-0 btn btn-icon ms-sm-auto" data-bs-dismiss="alert">
        <i class="ki-duotone ki-cross fs-1 text-success"><span class="path1"></span><span class="path2"></span></i>

Rich Content

Here's a sample of an alert with rich content elements inside it. Please take note of the HTML markup sample below for all required classes.

This is an alert

The alert component can be used to highlight certain parts of your page for higher content visibility.
Please read our Terms and Conditions for more info.
<div class="alert alert-dismissible bg-light-danger d-flex flex-center flex-column py-10 px-10 px-lg-20 mb-10">
    <button type="button" class="position-absolute top-0 end-0 m-2 btn btn-icon btn-icon-danger" data-bs-dismiss="alert">
        <i class="ki-duotone ki-cross fs-1"><span class="path1"></span><span class="path2"></span></i>

    <i class="ki-duotone ki-information-5 fs-5tx text-danger mb-5"><span class="path1"></span><span class="path2"></span><span class="path3"></span></i>

    <div class="text-center">
        <h1 class="fw-bold mb-5">This is an alert</h1>

        <div class="separator separator-dashed border-danger opacity-25 mb-5"></div>

        <div class="mb-9 text-gray-900">
            The alert component can be used to highlight certain parts of your page for <strong>higher content visibility</strong>.<br/>
            Please read our <a href="#" class="fw-bold me-1">Terms and Conditions</a> for more info.

        <div class="d-flex flex-center flex-wrap">
            <a href="#" class="btn btn-outline btn-outline-danger btn-active-danger m-2">Cancel</a>
            <a href="#" class="btn btn-danger m-2">Ok, I got it</a>
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