File Structure

Open HTML Pro Laravel comes with a flexible file structure that can be easily used for small to large scope projects. This section will explain the entire file structure and how to adapt it to your project.
File/Folder Description
starterkit The root folder that contains Open HTML Pro Laravel folder.
_keenthemes This is a Core folder for Keenthemes products.
src The source folder which located the raw version of HTML templates. The assets will be used for assets bundling.
tools The build tools for assets.
app It organizes your application components. It's got subdirectories that hold the view (views and helpers), controller (controllers), and the backend business logic (models).
bootstrap The bootstrap directory contains the app.php file which bootstraps the framework. This directory also houses a cache directory which contains framework generated files for performance optimization such as the route and services cache files. You should not typically need to modify any files within this directory.
config The config directory, as the name implies, contains all of your application's configuration files. It's a great idea to read through all of these files and familiarize yourself with all of the options available to you.
database The database directory contains your database migrations, model factories, and seeds. If you wish, you may also use this directory to hold an SQLite database
public Like the public directory for a web server, this directory has web files that don't change, such as JavaScript files (public/javascripts), graphics (public/images), stylesheets (public/stylesheets), and HTML files (public).
resources The resources directory contains your views as well as your raw, un-compiled assets such as CSS or JavaScript. This directory also houses all of your language files.
routes The routes directory contains all of the route definitions for your application. By default, several route files are included with Laravel: web.php, api.php, console.php, and channels.php.

The storage directory contains your logs, compiled Blade templates, file based sessions, file caches, and other files generated by the framework. This directory is segregated into app, framework, and logsdirectories. The app directory may be used to store any files generated by your application. The framework directory is used to store framework generated files and caches. Finally, the logs directory contains your application's log files.

The storage/app/public directory may be used to store user-generated files, such as profile avatars, that should be publicly accessible. You should create a symbolic link at public/storage which points to this directory. You may create the link using the php artisan storage:link Artisan command.


The tests directory contains your automated tests. Example PHPUnit unit tests and feature tests are provided out of the box. Each test class should be suffixed with the word Test. You may run your tests using the phpunit or php vendor/bin/phpunit commands. Or, if you would like a more detailed and beautiful representation of your test results, you may run your tests using the php artisan test Artisan command.


The vendor directory contains your Composer dependencies.

.gitignore A gitignore file specifies intentionally untracked files that Git should ignore. Files already tracked by Git are not affected
documentation.html The documentation file. README file as a quick guide that gives a detailed description
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