Getting Started

This document is aimed to create and run your Open HTML Pro based Laravel project in just 5 minutes. It's assumed that you already purchased Open HTML Pro .

Pre Requirements

Before you install Laravel, you should check to make sure that your system has the proper prerequisites installed. These include:

Laravel 10 installation requires the most up-to-date form of PHP 8 and a number of other prerequisites specified within the future. Laravel, as a framework, depends on several community-driven and Symfony 9 libraries.

The default assets compiler is using Webpack Mix. Assets compile require the build tools. These libraries are required as below.

HTML Features

The Starter Kit includes only the theme source code(sass, js, media, fonts and icons) from the HTML version, build tools(Gulp, Webpack), layout views and general pages(index, authentication, error) integration.
To use any feature shown in the HTML version just copy & paste the HTML code and include required assets(css, js) using the Theme Api.

Install Laravel

  1. Composer is an application-level package manager for the PHP programming language that provides a standard format for managing dependencies of PHP software and required libraries. To install Composer globally, download the installer from Verify that Composer in successfully installed, and version of installed Composer will appear:
    composer --version
  2. Navigate your prompt to starterkit folder.
    cd starterkit
  3. Install Composer dependencies.
    composer install
  4. Copy .env.example file and create duplicate. Use cp command for Linux or Mac user.
    cp .env.example .env
    If you are using Windows, use copy instead of cp.
    copy .env.example .env
  5. Create a table in MySQL database and fill the database details DB_DATABASE in .env file.
  6. The below command will create tables into database using Laravel migration and seeder.
    php artisan migrate:fresh --seed
  7. Generate your application encryption key.
    php artisan key:generate

Build assets

Before running the application we need to build theme assets:
  1. Navigate your prompt to starterkit folder.
    cd starterkit
  2. Install node modules dependencies using NPM.
    npm install
  3. The below command will compile all the assets(sass, js, media) to public folder:
    npm run dev

Run Laravel

To run the Laravel application navigate your prompt to starterkit folder and run the following command. This command will listen for changes and hot reload them.
  1. Navigate your prompt to starterkit folder.
    cd starterkit
  2. php artisan serve
    Keep your prompt running by default application is served on
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