Documentation v8.1.9

General Configuration

General configuration is a global configuration for all pages. Each page config can be overridden in the Page Configuration. The global and demo configuration can be found in config/global/general.php and config/demo1/general.php

return array(
    // Product
    'product' => array(
        'name'        => 'Metronic',
        'description' => 'Metronic - #1 Selling Bootstrap 5 HTML Multi-demo Admin Dashboard Theme',
        'preview'     => '',
        'purchase'    => '',
        'demos'       => array(...),

    // Assets
    'assets'  => array(
        'favicon' => 'media/logos/favicon.ico',
        'fonts'   => array(
            'google' => array(
        'css'     => array(
        'js'      => array(

    // Layout
    'layout'  => array(
        // Main
        'main'       => array(
            'base'              => 'default', // Set base layout: default|docs
            'type'              => 'default', // Set layout type: default|blank|none
            'primary-color'     => '#009EF7',

        // Docs
        'docs'       => array(
            'logo-path'  => 'default-dark.svg',
            'logo-class' => 'h-15px',

        // Loader
        'loader'     => array(
            'display' => false,
            'type'    => 'default' // Set default|spinner-message|spinner-logo to hide or show page loader

        // Header
        'header'     => array(
            'display'   => true, // Display header
            'width'     => 'fluid', // Set header width(fixed|fluid)
            'left'      => 'menu', // Set left part content(menu|page-title)
            'fixed'     => array(
                'desktop'           => true,  // Set fixed header for desktop
                'tablet-and-mobile' => true // Set fixed header for talet & mobile
            'menu-icon' => 'svg' // Menu icon type(svg|font)

        // Toolbar
        'toolbar'    => array(
            'display' => true, // Display toolbar
            'width'   => 'fluid', // Set toolbar container width(fluid|fixed)
            'fixed'   => array(
                'desktop'           => true,  // Set fixed header for desktop
                'tablet-and-mobile' => true // Set fixed header for talet & mobile
            'layout'  => 'toolbar-1', // Set toolbar type

        // Page title
        'page-title' => array(
            'display'               => true, // Display page title
            'breadcrumb'            => true, // Display breadcrumb
            'description'           => false, // Display description
            'layout'                => 'default', // Set layout(default|select)
            'direction'             => 'row', // Flex direction(column|row))
            'responsive'            => true, // Move page title to cotnent on mobile mode
            'responsive-breakpoint' => 'lg', // Responsive breakpoint value(e.g: md, lg, or 300px)
            'responsive-target'     => '#kt_toolbar_container' // Responsive target selector

        // Aside
        'aside'      => array(
            'display'   => true, // Display aside
            'theme'     => 'dark', // Set aside theme(dark|light)
            'menu'      => 'main', // Set aside menu(main|documentation)
            'fixed'     => true,  // Enable aside fixed mode
            'minimized' => false, // Set aside minimized by default
            'minimize'  => true, // Allow aside minimize toggle
            'hoverable' => true, // Allow aside hovering when minimized
            'menu-icon' => 'svg' // Menu icon type(svg|font)

        // Content
        'content'    => array(
            'width'  => 'fixed', // Set content width(fixed|fluid)
            'layout' => 'default'  // Set content layout(default|documentation)

        // Footer
        'footer'     => array(
            'width' => 'fluid' // Set fixed|fluid to change width type

        // Scrolltop
        'scrolltop'  => array(
            'display' => true // Display scrolltop