Documentation v8.2.9

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Metronic comes with a flexible file structure that can be easily used for small to large scope projects. This section will explain the entire file structure and how to adapt it to your project.
Path Description
/dist The built output, run command yarn build to create it.
/node_modules The package.json file in the app root defines what libraries will be installed into node_modules/ when you run yarn install.
/public Contains static theme files.
/public/media Folder contains all image, icons and SVG files.
/src/assets/sass/style.scss Main style file, imports all scss file used for layout and components. This style file is imported inside /src/App.vue.
/src/assets/ts Contains theme common ts components. These ts component files are used to initialize theme interactive parts, such as drawer, scroll, menu etc., you can check initialization example in file /src/core/keenthemes.ts.
/src/components Folder contains all components used in the demo pages (folder /src/views).
/src/core/config/DefaultLayoutConfig.ts Layout configuration, you can update layout default values or update and preview them dynamically in theme Layout Builder.
/src/core/config/MainMenuConfig.ts Menu configuration, to get started with clean menu you can use /src/core/config/CleanMainMenuConfig.ts.
/src/core/helpers Contains files with theme helper functions.
/src/core/plugins/keenthemes.ts File contains ts component initialization functions.
/src/core/services/ApiService.ts Class which can be used to make a http requests to your api, you can find usage examples in /src/store/auth.ts for more info check Api setup doc.
/src/core/services/JwtService.ts Class is used to get, save and destroy jwt token form localStorage.
/src/core/services/LayoutService.ts Class used to initialize theme layout.
/src/ layouts Folder contains all layout vue components.
/src/router Folder contains index.ts which is default vue-router config used by theme, to get started with clean router use clean.ts config. For more info about the vue-router, check vue-router official doc.
/src/stores Folder contains Pinia stores.
/src/views Vue components for theme demo pages
/src/App.vue Core vue component, contains vue root router-view and all style imports
index.html Change<title>, insert additional<link> and <script> tags into this file.
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