Documentation v8.2.9

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Setup theme skeleton

  1. To get started with theme skeleton you should remove theme demo page routes registerd in router config. The easiest way to achive this is by using /router/clean.ts which contains only some initial routes, to use this file you should change router instance path inside src/main.ts as shown bleow.
    import router from "@/router/clean.ts";
  2. Default theme menu is contains a lot of demo links, you can remove uneeded links by changing configuration file path used to generate header and sidebar menus.
    Menus are generated from src/core/config/MainMenuConfig.ts. Header menu is generated inside src/layouts/main-layout/header/menu/MenuPages.vue and the aside menu is generated inside src/layouts/main-layout/sidebar/SidebarMenu.vue.
  3. To get started with clean menu, you should update menu config path in src/layouts/main-layout/header/menu/MenuPages.vue and src/layouts/main-layout/sidebar/SidebarMenu.vue from src/core/config/MainMenuConfig.ts to clean menu config as shown below.
    import MainMenuConfig from "@/core/config/CleanMainMenuConfig";
  4. Now you can delete unneeded page view files from folder src/views
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