All bundled assets are located in the folder starterkit/public/assets and you can include the
js, css and media files using Theme API helper functions.
This is an example to add a single custom javascript file from the assets folder. The path is point to the
assets folder.
This is an example to add a single custom css file from the assets folder.
Before running the application we need to build theme assets:
Start a command prompt window or terminal and change directory to
cd starterkit/_keenthemes/tools
Install dependencies with either one, yarn or npm:
yarn install
You can use either one.
npm install
This command will fetch all dependencies listed in starterkit/_keenthemes/tools/package.json and place them into _keenthemes/tools/node_modules folder.
You can use Gulp
or Webpack
commands to bundle theme assets.
The below command will compile all the assets(sass, js, media) to
starterkit/public/assets folder:
For gulp use command:
gulp --demo1
For webpack use command:
npm run build --demo1
Right now supported demos are demo1 and demo30.
Note on the package.json file. This step is very important for Webpack in Metronic template. The default package.json works for Gulp. To make it work for Webpack, you have to modify tools/package.json and remove "type": "module".
Otherwise, it will cause compilation error when running the build command.