Documentation v1.0.1



Vue Currency Input allows an easy input of currency formatted numbers. Powered by the Vue Composition API, it provides a Vue composable for decorating input components with currency format capabilities.

Simple HTML input element

            class="form-control form-control-solid"
    <p class="my-5">
        Number value: <code>{{ formattedValue }}</code>

<script lang="ts">
    import useCurrencyInput from "vue-currency-input";

    export default {
        name: "CurrencyInput",
        setup(props) {
            const { formattedValue, inputRef } = useCurrencyInput({ currency: "EUR" });

            return { inputRef, formattedValue };

Usage with Element Plus

  <ElInput v-model="formattedValue" ref="inputRef" />
  <p class="my-5">
    Number value: <code>{{ formattedValue }}</code>

<script setup lang="ts">
import { ElInput } from "element-plus"
import { useCurrencyInput } from "vue-currency-input";

const { inputRef, formattedValue } = useCurrencyInput({
  currency: "CNY",
  locale: "zh",
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