Documentation v1.0.1


Rapidly build modern Vue apps with Rider Vue Pro

The most advanced Bootstrap 5 foundation with a solid design system,
extensive utility classes and custom madein-house components.

Quick Installation

Install the dependencies using Yarn or NPM and use Vite to get your project up and running literally in a minutes.
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Layout Builder

Combine your custom layout, preview it in real time and manage layout configuration.

Extended Utility Classes

Build whatever you want without a single line of CSS/SASS code by just using our low-level utility classes and base components.
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40+ In-house Components

Our exclusive components are made to empower your next project with our novel UI/UX vision.
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3rd Party Plugins

Check out theme Vue 3rd party plugins such as Vue-i18n, Vee-validate, Vue-fullcalendar e.t.c.
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Multi-style Icons

Fulfill your icon needs with over 6000 icons from our in-house designed Keenthemes and open source Bootstrap Icons, Font Awesome, and Line Awesome sets.
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