Documentation v1.1.5


Seven HTML Pro v1.1.5 - 25 April, 2024


  • Bootstrap v5.3.3 stable update integration - Changelog.
  • DataTables v2.0.5 stable update integration - Changelog.
  • Tempus Dominus Datepicker v6.9.6 update - Preview.
  • Tagify v4.24.0 update - Preview.
  • ApexCharts v3.49.0 update - Preview.
  • Ckeditor v41.3.1 update - Preview.
  • Fontawesome Free v6.5.2 update - Preview.
  • Bootstrap Icons v1.11.3 update - Preview.
  • Chart.js v4.4.2 update - Preview.
  • Axios v1.6.8 update.
  • Moment v2.30.1 update.


  • Buttons Secondary color style issue - Preview.
  • Badges Secondary color style issue - Preview.
  • Webpack Build issue on Windows.


  • Bootstrap v5.3.2 stable update integration - Changelog.
  • KTMenu 3rd-party plugins integration - Preview.
  • Tempus Dominus Datepicker v6.7.16 update - Preview.
  • Datatables v1.13.6 update - Preview.
  • Form Validation v2.4.0 update - Preview.
  • Ckeditor v40.0.0 update - Preview.
  • Fontawesome Free v6.4.2 update - Preview.
  • Tagify v4.17.9 update - Preview.
  • jQuery v3.7.1 update.
  • ApexCharts v3.44.0 update - Preview.
  • Axios v1.6.0 update.
  • Bootstrap Icons v1.10.5 update - Preview.
  • Chart.js v4.4.0 update - Preview.
  • Clipboard v2.0.11 update - Preview.
  • Countup.js v2.8.0 update - Preview.
  • Cropperjs v1.6.1 update - Preview.
  • Flot Charts v4.2.6 update - Preview.
  • SweetAlert v11.4.8 downgrade due a change on v11.4.9 and above versions - Learn More.
  • Vis Timeline v7.7.3 update - Preview.
  • SASS Global theme color improvements in SASS
  • SASS Added src/sass/components/_variables.override.scss SASS config file to override Bootstrap SASS variables
  • Content Global class replacement of text-gray-400 with text-gray-500
  • Content Global class replacement of text-dakr with text-gray-900


  • Ckeditor Dark mode issue - Preview.


  • Bootstrap v5.3.0 stable update integration - Changelog.
  • KTMenu 3rd-party plugins integration - Preview.
  • KTDrawer Close drawer with escape key press support - Preview.
  • KTScroll Major browsers compatiblity improvements - Preview.
  • KTScroll Scroll overlay mode depreceated due to overflow: overlay attribute is no longer supported by Webkit - Preview.
  • Quil RTL mode support - Preview.
  • Tempus Dominus Datepicker v6.7.10 update - Preview.
  • Datatables v1.13.5 update - Preview.
  • Form Validation v2.4.0 update - Preview.
  • Ckeditor v38.0.1 update - Preview.
  • Fontawesome Free v6.4.0 update - Preview.
  • Popperjs v2.11.8 update.
  • Tagify v4.17.18 update - Preview.
  • jQuery v3.7.0 update.
  • ApexCharts v3.41.0 update - Preview.
  • Autosize v6.0.1 update - Preview.
  • Axios v1.4.0 update.
  • Bootstrap Cookie Alert v1.2.2 update - Preview.
  • Bootstrap Icons v1.10.5 update - Preview.
  • Chart.js v4.3.0 update - Preview.
  • Clipboard v1.5.13 update - Preview.
  • Countup.js v2.7.0 update - Preview.
  • Cropperjs v1.5.13 update - Preview.
  • Flatpickr v4.6.13 update - Preview.
  • Flot Charts v4.2.3 update - Preview.
  • Fullscreen Lightbox v3.4.1 update - Preview.
  • Inputmask v5.0.8 update - Preview.
  • Leaflet v1.9.4 update.
  • Tiny Slider v2.9.4 update - Preview.
  • Toastr v2.1.4 update - Preview.
  • Typed.js v2.0.16 update - Preview.
  • Vis Timeline v7.7.2 update - Preview.


  • Form Control Solid style disabled state - Preview.
  • KTSticky Mobile mode bug fix - Preview.
  • KTScroll Firefox mode bug fix - Preview.
  • Select2 Multiple select bug in KTMenu - Preview.
  • Datatables Fixed header issue - Preview.


  • Datepicker Tempus Dominus Bootstrap datepicker integration - Preview.
  • Modal Stacked Modals - Preview.
  • Datatables Fixed Header integration - Preview.


  • Bootstrap 5.3.0 update - Preview.
  • Theme Mode data-theme HTML attribute changed to data-bs-theme - Preview.
  • Theme Mode --kt- CSS variables prefix changed to --bs-.


  • Bordered Table issue fix - Preview.


  • Scroll horizontal overlay scroll support - Preview.
  • Template docs - Preview.
  • Lozap Image lazy load plugin integration - Preview.


  • Bootstrap 5.2.3 update - Preview.
  • Datatables loading indicator improvement - Preview.
  • Added a new KTComponents.init() method to separate the core components and 3-rd party plugins initialization to simplify the SPA and Ajax Page integration - Preview.
  • File Structure docs improvements - Preview.
  • Javascript docs improvements - Preview.
  • Select2 disabled state improvements - Preview.
  • Datatable loading indicator style improvements - Preview.
  • Datatable selected state improvements - Preview.
  • Dark Mode docs improvements - Preview.


  • KTSticky data-kt-sticky-top="0px" assigment issue fix - Preview.
  • Floating Labels select control text overflow issue - Preview.
  • Webpack build issue with Font Awesome and Tagify
  • Tiny Slider RTL mode issue - Preview.
  • Fontawesome webpack build issue - Preview.
  • Select2 invisible clear icon issue - Preview.
  • Tagify webpack build issue - Preview.


  • Fixed Columns extension integration for plugin - Preview.
  • Image Radio Buttons options - Preview.
  • Pagination with custom icons - Preview.


  • Bootstrap v5.2 framework update - Preview.
  • FormValidation v1.10.0 plugin update - Preview.
  • Dark Mode code refactoring to enable dynamic theme mode switch and user preference support- Preview.
  • Global Font update to Inter - Preview.
  • KTBlockUI improved on scrollable element - Preview.
  • Date Range Picker improvements - Preview.
  • Font Awesome v6.1.1 icon set update - Preview.
  • v1.12.1 plugin update - Preview.
  • CKEditor v34.0.0 plugin update - Preview.
  • Popperjs v2.11.5 update - Preview.


  • Webpack build js errors.
  • Webpack RTL mode fix.
  • CKEditor gulp build issue - Preview.
  • TinyMCE default height issue - Preview.
  • Select 2 multiple selection mode sizes height fix - Preview.
  • Tagify sizes height fix - Preview.


  • eCommerce app - Preview.
  • Social dashboard - Preview.
  • Crypto dashboard - Preview.
  • Delivery dashboard - Preview.
  • Social dashboard - Preview.
  • Account Statements page - Preview.
  • Account API Keys page - Preview.
  • Account Billing page - Preview.
  • Bootstrap Floating Labels integration - Preview.
  • Select2 option groups - Preview.
  • Layout Dynamic Initialization documentation - Preview.
  • No-jQuery setup guide - Preview.
  • Dynamic Initialization of core components and 3rd-party plugins - Preview.
  • responsive extenstion integration - Preview.
  • Separator text and icon options - Preview.
  • Cookie Alert plugin integration - Preview.
  • Collapsible Card examples - Preview.
  • Sub Datatable support for plugin - Preview.
  • Theme Mode switcher(light and dark) menu in header - Preview.
  • Custom Icons font icon set - Preview.
  • Underline element - Preview.
  • Table sort states - Preview.
  • Table loading indicator - Preview.
  • Draggable Modal solution - Preview.
  • KTMenu documentation - Preview.
  • Select2 rich content example - Preview.
  • Select2 floating labels integration - Preview.


  • Documentation pages improvements with quick sidebar navigation - Preview.
  • User Management app enhancements - Preview.
  • Bootstrap Input Group integration - Preview.
  • Advanced Form Controls examples - Preview.
  • Select2 hover and select state enhancements - Preview.
  • Toggle component documentation improvements - Preview.
  • Tagify v4.9.2 update - Preview.
  • Inbox App responsiveness improvements - Preview.
  • Amcharts v5 update - Preview.
  • KTImage improvements - Preview.
  • KTDialer new API methods - Preview.
  • Draggable update to v1.0.0-beta.12 - Preview.
  • Select2 options with image improvement - Preview.
  • Select2 selected option color improvement - Preview.
  • Popover dismiss improvements - Preview.


  • KTMenu offset issue caused - Preview.
  • Pagination arrows RTL issue - Preview.
  • Vis Timeline design improvements - Preview.
  • Select2 custom dropdown width option - Preview.
  • Select2 group input wrap issue - Preview.
  • Select2 search input focus issue - Preview.
  • Select2 dropdown position bug in RTL - Preview.
  • Date Range Picker dropdown menu border radius issue - Preview.


  • File Manager app - Preview.
  • Multiple Illustrations Support across pages and apps with in-house designed illustration sets - Preview.
  • Bootstrap Maxlength plugin integration - Preview.
  • CountUp plugin integration - Preview.
  • Select2 integration with Bootstrap Input Group - Preview.
  • Form Repeater plugin integration - Preview.
  • Tiny Slider plugin integration - Preview.
  • SweetAlert plugin integration - Preview.
  • Bootstrap Form Controls integration - Preview.
  • Bootstrap Input Group integration - Preview.
  • Advanced Form Controls examples - Preview.
  • Bootstrap Toasts integration - Preview.
  • Buttons hover effects - Preview.


  • Bootstrap v5.1.3 update - Preview.
  • FormValidation v1.9.0 update - Preview.
  • Toastr plugin update - Preview.
  • FormValidation plugin integration with ASP.NET - Preview.
  • DropzoneJS plugin integration improvements - Preview.


  • Fixed KTMenu responsive and parent overflow issues.
  • Stepper submit button is not shown - Preview.
  • Initial release
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