First, a disclaimer – the entire process of writing a blog post often takes more than a couple of hours, even if you can type eighty words per minute and your writing skills are sharp. From the seed of the idea to finally hitting “Publish,” you might spend several days or maybe even a week “writing” a blog post, but it’s important to spend those vital hours planning your post and even thinking about Your Post (yes, thinking counts as working if you’re a blogger) before you actually write it.
First, a disclaimer – the entire process of writing a blog post often takes more than a couple of hours, even if you can type eighty words per minute and your writing skills are sharp. From the seed of the idea to finally hitting “Publish,” you might spend several days or maybe even a week “writing” a blog post, but it’s important to spend those vital hours planning Your Post (yes, thinking counts as working if you’re a blogger) before you actually write it.
Apply NowFirst, a disclaimer - the entire process writing a blog post often takes more.
Outlines keep you honest. They stop you from indulging.
Long before you sit down to put digital pen to paper you need make sure you have to sit down and write.
First, a disclaimer - the entire process writing a blog post often takes more than couple of hours.