Documentation v8.2.6

Downloads Preview

Metronic v8.2.6 - 24 June, 2024


  • DataTables v2.0.3 stable update integration - Preview.
  • Tempus Dominus Datepicker v6.9.6 update - Preview.
  • Tagify v4.22.2 update - Preview.
  • ApexCharts v3.48.0 update - Preview.
  • Ckeditor v41.2.1 update - Preview.
  • Chart.js v4.4.3 update - Preview.
  • Axios v1.6.5 update - Preview.
  • Select2 v4.1.0-rc.0 update - Preview.


  • Demo 55 Responsive sidebar issue - Preview.
  • Tagify Initialization bug - Preview.


  • DataTables v2.0.8 stable update integration - Preview.
  • Tempus Dominus Datepicker v6.9.9 update - Preview.
  • Tagify v4.26.6 update - Preview.
  • ApexCharts v3.49.1 update - Preview.
  • Ckeditor v41.4.2 update - Preview.


  • Modal Header aligment issue.


  • Bootstrap v5.3.3 stable update integration - Changelog.
  • DataTables v2 stable update integration - Changelog.
  • Tempus Dominus Datepicker v6.9.5 update - Preview.
  • Tagify v4.22.0 update - Preview.
  • ApexCharts v3.47.0 update - Preview.
  • Ckeditor v41.2.0 update - Preview.


  • Dashboards Bootstrap grid vertical gap conflict with page title and breadcrumbs.
  • Webpack Build issue on Windows.


  • Axios v1.6.5 vulnerability update - Preview.
  • Tagify v4.18.2 update - Preview.
  • Bootstrap Icons v1.11.3 update - Preview.
  • Moment v2.30.1 update.
  • Pdfmake v0.2.9 update - Preview.


  • Demo 61 Property Portal - Preview.
  • Demo 62 Project Scheduler - Preview.
  • Demo 63 Discussion Board - Preview.
  • Demo 64 Voice Call App - Preview.


  • Tempus Dominus Datepicker v6.9.4 update - Preview.
  • Datatables v1.13.8 update - Preview.
  • Ckeditor v40.2.0 update - Preview.
  • Fontawesome Free v6.5.1 update - Preview.
  • Bootstrap Icons v1.11.2 update - Preview.
  • ApexCharts v3.45.1 update - Preview.
  • Bootstrap Icons v1.10.5 update - Preview.
  • Chart.js v4.4.1 update - Preview.


  • Buttons Secondary color style issue - Preview.
  • Badges Secondary color style issue - Preview.



  • Bootstrap v5.3.2 stable update integration - Changelog.
  • KTMenu 3rd-party plugins integration - Preview.
  • Tempus Dominus Datepicker v6.7.16 update - Preview.
  • Datatables v1.13.6 update - Preview.
  • Form Validation v2.4.0 update - Preview.
  • Ckeditor v40.0.0 update - Preview.
  • Fontawesome Free v6.4.2 update - Preview.
  • Tagify v4.17.9 update - Preview.
  • jQuery v3.7.1 update.
  • ApexCharts v3.44.0 update - Preview.
  • Axios v1.6.0 update.
  • Bootstrap Icons v1.10.5 update - Preview.
  • Chart.js v4.4.0 update - Preview.
  • Clipboard v2.0.11 update - Preview.
  • Countup.js v2.8.0 update - Preview.
  • Cropperjs v1.6.1 update - Preview.
  • Flot Charts v4.2.6 update - Preview.
  • SweetAlert v11.4.8 downgrade due a change on v11.4.9 and above versions - Learn More.
  • Vis Timeline v7.7.3 update - Preview.
  • SASS Global theme color improvements in SASS
  • SASS Added src/sass/components/_variables.override.scss SASS config file to override Bootstrap SASS variables
  • Content Global class replacement of text-gray-400 with text-gray-500
  • Content Global class replacement of text-dakr with text-gray-900


  • Ckeditor Dark mode issue - Preview.


  • User Management App Modal form improvements - Preview.
  • Tempus Dominus Datepicker v6.7.11 update - Preview.
  • Ckeditor v38.1.1 update - Preview.
  • SweetAlert v11.7.16 update - Preview.


  • KeenIcons Rendering issue on Mac Safari - Preview.
  • Ckeditor Gulp build issue - Preview.


  • Demo 1 Design and layout enhancements - Preview.
  • Aside 5 aside layout options - Preview.


  • Bootstrap v5.3.0 stable update integration - Changelog.
  • KTMenu 3rd-party plugins integration - Preview.
  • KTDrawer Close drawer with escape key press support - Preview.
  • KTScroll Major browsers compatibility improvements - Preview.
  • KTScroll Scroll overlay mode depreciated due to overflow: overlay attribute is no longer supported by Webkit - Preview.
  • Quil RTL mode support - Preview.
  • Tempus Dominus Datepicker v6.7.10 update - Preview.
  • Datatables v1.13.5 update - Preview.
  • Form Validation v2.4.0 update - Preview.
  • Ckeditor v38.0.1 update - Preview.
  • Fontawesome Free v6.4.0 update - Preview.
  • Popperjs v2.11.8 update.
  • Tagify v4.17.8 update - Preview.
  • jQuery v3.7.0 update.
  • ApexCharts v3.41.0 update - Preview.
  • Autosize v6.0.1 update - Preview.
  • Axios v1.4.0 update.
  • Bootstrap Cookie Alert v1.2.2 update - Preview.
  • Bootstrap Icons v1.10.5 update - Preview.
  • Chart.js v4.3.0 update - Preview.
  • Clipboard v1.5.13 update - Preview.
  • Countup.js v2.7.0 update - Preview.
  • Cropperjs v1.5.13 update - Preview.
  • Flatpickr v4.6.13 update - Preview.
  • Flot Charts v4.2.3 update - Preview.
  • Fullscreen Lightbox v3.4.1 update - Preview.
  • Inputmask v5.0.8 update - Preview.
  • Leaflet v1.9.4 update.
  • Tiny Slider v2.9.4 update - Preview.
  • Toastr v2.1.4 update - Preview.
  • Typed.js v2.0.16 update - Preview.
  • Vis Timeline v7.7.2 update - Preview.


  • Form Control Solid style disabled state - Preview.
  • KTSticky Mobile mode bug fix - Preview.
  • KTScroll Firefox mode bug fix - Preview.
  • Select2 Multiple select bug in KTMenu - Preview.
  • Datatables Fixed header issue - Preview.


  • Keenicons Exclusive Font Icons in 3 Styles - Preview.
  • Demo 45 OKR Tracking - Preview.
  • Demo 47 Campaign Automation - Preview.
  • Tempus Dominus Datepicker integration improvements - Preview.
  • Bootstrap Accordion collapse icon style - Preview.
  • Datatables Fixed Header integration - Preview.


  • Icons Global icons migration to Keenicons - Changelog.
  • Tempus Dominus Datepicker Global configuration - Preview.
  • Inbox App OKR Tracking - Preview.


  • Demo 19 Mobile menu toggle issue - Preview.
  • Demo 39 Layout builder issue - Preview.


  • Demo 31 Marketing Automation - Preview.
  • Demo 32 Delivery Management - Preview.
  • Demo 33 Social Campaings - Preview.
  • Demo 34 Finance Analytics - Preview.
  • Demo 35 Traffic Analytics - Preview.
  • Demo 36 Digital Marketing - Preview.
  • Demo 37 Cloud Suite - Preview.
  • Demo 38 Email Marketing - Preview.
  • Demo 39 Billing SaaS - Preview.
  • Demo 40 HR App - Preview.
  • Demo 41 Business Intelligence - Preview.
  • Demo 42 Calendar Workspace - Preview.
  • Demo 43 Healthcare Dashboard - Preview.
  • Demo 44 Recruit Automation - Preview.
  • Demo 48 Cloud ERP - Preview.
  • Demo 49 KPI Tracking - Preview.
  • Tempus Dominus Datepicker plugin integration - Preview.
  • Bootstrap Modal stacked modals support - Preview.
  • Datatables Fixed Header integration - Preview.


  • Bootstrap 5.3.0 update - Preview.
  • Theme Mode data-theme HTML attribute changed to data-bs-theme - Preview.
  • Theme Mode --kt- CSS variables prefix changed to --bs-.
  • btn-white class is depreciated. Use bg-body class instead
  • bg-white class is depreciated. Use bg-body class instead


  • Bordered Table issue fix - Preview.


  • Demo 25 User Guiding App - Preview.
  • Demo 26 Planable App - Preview.
  • Demo 27 Databox Dashboard - Preview.
  • Demo 28 eCommerce App - Preview.
  • Demo 29 Project Workspace - Preview.
  • Demo 30 Sales Tracking App - Preview.
  • Removable Cards Custom removable cards - Preview.
  • Custom Bundles Custom bundles setup docs - Preview.
  • Page Loading Custom component docs - Preview.
  • Lozap Image lazy load plugin integration - Preview.


  • Bootstrap 5.2.3 update - Preview.
  • Demo 1 Fixed footer layout option support - Preview.
  • Demo 7 Fixed footer layout option support - Preview.
  • Select2 Disabled state improvements - Preview.


  • Demo 1 Horizontal scroll issue in Mobile mode - Preview.
  • Demo 4 Aside dropdown menu bug in iOS - Preview.


  • Demo 23 SaaS dashboard - Preview.
  • Demo 24 Logistics dashboard - Preview.
  • Scroll horizontal overlay scroll support - Preview.
  • Template docs - Preview.


  • Bootstrap 5.2.2 update - Preview.
  • Datatables loading indicator improvement - Preview.
  • Added a new KTComponents.init() method to separate the core components and 3-rd party plugins initialization to simplify the SPA and Ajax Page integration - Preview.
  • File Structure docs improvements - Preview.
  • Javascript docs improvements - Preview.


  • Demo 19 aside dark mode issue - Preview.
  • Tiny Slider RTL mode issue - Preview.
  • Fontawesome webpack build issue - Preview.


  • Select2 invisible clear icon issue - Preview.
  • Tagify webpack build issue - Preview.
  • Fontawesome webpack build issue - Preview.


  • Inbox App mobile drawer menu - Preview.


  • Chat App layout improvements - Preview.
  • Inbox App layout improvements for mobile mode - Preview.
  • Datatable loading indicator style improvements - Preview.
  • Datatable selected state improvements - Preview.
  • Dark Mode docs improvements - Preview.


  • KTSticky data-kt-sticky-top="0px" assigment issue fix - Preview.
  • Inbox App mobile mode responsives issues - Preview.
  • Floating Labels select control text overflow issue - Preview.
  • Webpack build issue with Font Awesome and Tagify


  • Welcome Message email template - Preview.
  • Reset Password email template - Preview.
  • Subscription Confirmed email template - Preview.
  • Card Declined email template - Preview.
  • Promotion Email 1 email template - Preview.
  • Promotion Email 2 email template - Preview.
  • Promotion Email 3 email template - Preview.


  • Bootstrap v5.2 framework update - Preview.
  • Dark Mode improvements with user preference support - Preview.
  • Corporate Authentication mobile mode improvements - Preview.
  • KTBlockUI improved on scrollable element - Preview.
  • Date Range Picker improvements - Preview.
  • Offline docs will no longer be included in the zip package. The online documentation will be provided instead with up to date information.


  • Demo 1 sidebar toggle icon direction fix for RTL mode - Preview.
  • Demo 2 header style fix - Preview.
  • Demo 7 sidebar toggle icon direction fix for RTL mode - Preview.
  • Demo 8 sidebar toggle icon direction fix for RTL mode - Preview.
  • Demo 13 sidebar toggle icon direction fix for RTL mode - Preview.


  • Global Font update to Inter - Preview.
  • Dark Mode documentation update - Preview.


  • Demo 1 dark header menu hover style fix - Preview.
  • Demo 5 devs app missing pages fix - Preview.
  • Demo 14 aside mobile mode overflow issue fix - Preview.
  • Select 2 multiple selection mode sizes height fix - Preview.
  • Tagify sizes height fix - Preview.


  • Demo 1 - Django backend starterkit with layout, authentication and system pages integration - Preview.
  • Demo 1 - Flask backend starterkit with layout, authentication and system pages integration- Preview.
  • Demo 1 - ASP.NET Core 6 backend starterkit with layout, authentication and system pages integration- Preview.
  • Demo 1 - Blazor backend starterkit with layout, authentication and system pages integration- Preview.
  • Demo 1 design improvements - Preview.
  • Demo 1 HTML & SASS code improvements - Preview.
  • Demo 1 - Dark Sidebar layout option - Preview.
  • Demo 1 - Light Sidebar layout option - Preview.
  • Demo 1 - Dark Header layout option - Preview.
  • Demo 1 - Light Header layout option - Preview.
  • Demo 1 - Theme Customizer panel - Preview.
  • Demo 1 - Layout Builder improvements - Preview.
  • Dark Mode dynamic switch support - Preview.
  • Corporate authentication pages - Preview.
  • Overlay authentication pages - Preview.
  • Creative authentication pages - Preview.
  • Fancy authentication pages - Preview.
  • Multi-steps sign-up page - Preview.
  • Welcome authentication page - Preview.
  • Verify Email authentication page - Preview.
  • Coming Soon authentication page - Preview.
  • Password Confirmation authentication page - Preview.
  • Account Deactivated authentication page - Preview.
  • 404 Error system page - Preview.
  • 500 Error system page - Preview.
  • Default dashboard - Preview.
  • Call Center dashboard - Preview.
  • POS System dashboard - Preview.
  • 4 Mege Menu options for header - Preview.
  • Demo 4 Dark Mode - Preview.
  • Fixed Columns extension integration for plugin - Preview.
  • Image Radio Buttons options - Preview.
  • Pagination with custom icons - Preview.


  • Bootstrap v5.2.0 framework update - Preview.
  • Dark Mode code refactoring to enable dynamic theme mode switch - Preview.
  • Font Awesome v6.1.1 icon set update - Preview.
  • v1.12.1 plugin update - Preview.
  • CKEditor v34.0.0 plugin update - Preview.
  • Popperjs v2.11.5 update - Preview.


  • Webpack build js errors.
  • CKEditor gulp build issue - Preview.
  • TinyMCE default height issue - Preview.



  • Documentation pages improvements with quick sidebar navigation - Preview.


  • KTMenu offset issue caused - Preview.



  • Select2 options with image improvement - Preview.
  • Select2 selected option color improvement - Preview.
  • Popover dismiss improvements - Preview.


  • Input Group solid style validation state issue - Preview.
  • Toastr animation issue - Preview.
  • Demo 3 sticky header issues - Preview.
  • Demo 9 eCommerce App tabs navigation style issue - Preview.
  • Demo 20 tab wrap issue - Preview.
  • Demo 21 menu display issye on mobile - Preview.
  • Dark mode missing assets issue - Preview.


  • Metronic Downloads page to download prefered framework and demo with one click - Preview.
  • Demo 21 - Preview.
  • Demo 21 Dark Mode - Preview.
  • eCommerce Customers app - Preview.
  • eCommerce Reports app - Preview.
  • eCommerce Settings app - Preview.
  • Contacts app - Preview.
  • Tagify external suggestions example - Preview.
  • Online Course dashboard - Preview.


  • Tagify external suggestions example - Preview.
  • FormValidation documentation update - Preview.
  • Date Range Picker improvements - Preview.


  • Demo 5 add question button issue - Preview.
  • Select2 option selection with keyboard issue - Preview.


  • Bootstrap Tabs Dropdowns integration - Preview.


  • Flatpickr UI improvements - Preview.


  • Demo 18 dashboard page broken HTML code issue - Preview.
  • Select2 dropdown position bug in RTL - Preview.
  • CSS syntax errors fixes.


  • eCommerce dashboard - Preview.
  • Store Analytics dashboard - Preview.
  • Logistics dashboard - Preview.
  • Delivery dashboard - Preview.
  • Marketing dashboard - Preview.
  • Social dashboard - Preview.
  • eCommerce app with sales module - Preview.
  • Theme Mode switcher(light and dark) menu in header - Preview.
  • Custom Icons font icon set - Preview.


  • Draggable update to v1.0.0-beta.12 - Preview.


  • Select2 dropdown position bug in RTL - Preview.
  • Demo 5 Header Menu mobile toggle issue in - Preview.


  • Use Popper v2.10.1 specific version in packages.json.
  • Amcharts v5 update - Preview.
  • KTImage improvements - Preview.
  • KTDialer new API methods - Preview.


  • KTMenu dropdown position issue caused by Popper v2.11.0 minor update. Requires packages update via Yarn.


  • Demo 18 - Preview.
  • Demo 18 Dark Mode - Preview.
  • Demo 19 - Preview.
  • Demo 19 Dark Mode - Preview.
  • Demo 20 - Preview.
  • Demo 20 Dark Mode - Preview.
  • eCommerce app with catalog module - Preview.
  • Projects app with targets, budget, users, files and more - Preview.
  • Campaign Modal - Preview.
  • Bootstrap Floating Labels integration - Preview.
  • Select2 option groups - Preview.
  • Layout Dynamic Initialization documentation - Preview.


  • Figma File update with new demos.
  • Toggle component documentation improvements - Preview.
  • Tagify v4.9.2 update - Preview.
  • Inbox App responsiveness improvements - Preview.


  • Select2 group input wrap issue - Preview.
  • Select2 search input focus issue - Preview.
  • Date Range Picker dropdown menu border radius issue - Preview.


  • Demo 17 - Preview.
  • Demo 17 Dark Mode - Preview.
  • Sub Datatable support for plugin - Preview.


  • Vis Timeline design improvements - Preview.
  • Select2 custom dropdown width option - Preview.


  • Demo 16 - Preview.
  • Demo 16 Dark Mode - Preview.
  • Inbox App with messages, compose and reply thread - Preview.
  • responsive extenstion integration - Preview.
  • Separator text and icon options - Preview.
  • Cookie Alert plugin integration - Preview.
  • Collapsible Card examples - Preview.


  • Select2 hover and select state enhancements - Preview.


  • Pagination arrows RTL issue - Preview.



  • User Management app enhancements - Preview.
  • Bootstrap Input Group integration - Preview.
  • Advanced Form Controls examples - Preview.


  • Demo 12 - Preview.
  • Demo 12 Dark Mode - Preview.
  • SweetAlert plugin integration - Preview.
  • Bootstrap Form Controls integration - Preview.
  • Bootstrap Input Group integration - Preview.
  • Advanced Form Controls examples - Preview.
  • Bootstrap Toasts integration - Preview.


  • Bootstrap v5.1.3 update - Preview.
  • FormValidation v1.9.0 update - Preview.
  • File Manager code refactoring - Preview.
  • Toastr plugin update - Preview.
  • Dialer negative value and input change event firing issues - Preview.


  • Bootstrap Toasts and Toastr conflict - Preview.



  • File Manager app enhancements - Preview.
  • User Management app enhancements - Preview.
  • Subscriptions app enhancements - Preview.
  • Customers app enhancements - Preview.


  • Stepper submit button is not shown - Preview.


  • File Manager app - Preview.
  • Form Repeater plugin integration - Preview.
  • New Video Tutorials from the core team - Preview.


  • FormValidation plugin integration with ASP.NET - Preview.
  • DropzoneJS plugin integration improvements - Preview.
  • Profile menu responsive improvements - Preview.
  • Account menu responsive improvements - Preview.


  • Page Loader color issue in Dark Mode - Preview.


  • Tiny Slider plugin integration - Preview.
  • Bootstrap Maxlength plugin integration - Preview.
  • CountUp plugin integration - Preview.
  • Select2 integration with Bootstrap Input Group - Preview.
  • Users Selection modal example - Preview.
  • Video Tutorials from the core team - Preview.
  • Figma file for demos, widgets, icons and general elements.


  • Bootstrap v5.1.1 update - Preview.


  • KTMenu dropdown alignment issue on mobile mode.
  • Customer App filter modal datepicker validation issue - Preview.
  • Subscriptions App filter modal datepicker validation issue - Preview.


  • Demo 8 complete layout and pages - Preview.
  • Demo 9 complete layout and pages - Preview.
  • Demo 6 Dark Mode complete layout and pages - Preview.
  • Demo 7 Dark Mode complete layout and pages - Preview.
  • Ajax Server Side DataTables improvements - Preview.
  • Autosize textarea plugin integration - Preview.
  • Bootstrap Vertical Tabs integration - Preview.


  • Removed .data-kt-menu-flip attributes from the HTML code of KTMenu instances to automatically handle the responsive and parent overflow modes.


  • Fixed KTMenu responsive and parent overflow issues.


  • Demo 5 - Support Forum complete layout and pages - Preview.
  • Demo 5 - Support Forum Dark Mode complete layout and pages - Preview.
  • Demo 5 - Support Forum Dark Mode complete documentation and components - Preview.
  • Duotune in-house designed with 400+ SVG icons - Preview.
  • Multiple Illustrations Support across pages and apps with in-house designed illustration sets - Preview.
  • Select2 country list with flag implementation - Preview.
  • Select2 user list with avatar implementation - Preview.
  • Tagify country list with flag implementation - Preview.
  • Tagify user list with avatar implementation - Preview.


  • design folder added with in-house designed SVG illustrations and Duotune icons source files.
  • KTStepper wizard form validation flow improvements - Preview.
  • Duotone SVG icons replaced with in-house designed Duotune icons - Preview.
  • Old Demo 5 renamed to Demo 8 - Preview.
  • .container class changed to .container-xxl in demos layouts for better responsivenes in small to medium desktops.


  • Demo 3 complete layout and pages - Preview.
  • Demo 3 Dark Mode complete layout and pages - Preview.
  • Demo 3 Dark Mode complete documentation and components - Preview.
  • Duotune in-house designed SVG with 300+ icons Preview.
  • jsTree plugin integration - Preview.
  • Vis-Timeline plugin integration - Preview.


  • Bootstrap v5.1.0 update - Preview.


  • Fixed KTBlockUI build error in Webpack.


  • Demo 2 Dark Mode complete layout and pages - Preview.
  • Demo 2 Dark Mode complete documentation and components - Preview.
  • BlockUI in-house plugin - Preview.
  • FormValidation plugin integration - Preview.
  • Flot Charts plugin integration - Preview.
  • Google Charts plugin integration - Preview.
  • Bootstrap Buttons with Badges options - Preview.


  • Demo 1 Toolbar improvements - Preview.
  • Demo 5 Toolbar improvements - Preview.


  • jKanban Board plugin integration - Preview.
  • Cropper.js plugin integration - Preview.
  • Bootstrap Menu in-house component documentation - Preview.
  • Bootstrap Buttons with Badges options - Preview.


  • RTL Version improvements - Preview.
  • Apexchart v3.27.3 update - Preview.


  • Demo 5 Dark Mode complete layout and pages - Preview.
  • Demo 5 Dark Mode complete documentation and components - Preview.


  • Calendar app improvements with hoverable event summary - Preview.
  • Ajax Datatable improvements - Preview.
  • Webpack improvements for assets build in some older version of node.js.


  • Demo 1 Dark Mode complete layout and pages - Preview.
  • Demo 1 Dark Mode complete documentation and components - Preview.
  • Demo 1 Compact dashboard - Preview.
  • Demo 6 - Preview.
  • Demo 4 Minimal dashboard - Preview.
  • Ajax Datatable integration - Preview.


  • Calendar app improvements with hoverable event summary - Preview.
  • 3rd-Party Plugins update - Preview.



  • Fullcalendar plugin integration improvements - Preview.
  • Support Center app enhancements - Preview.


  • Fullcalendar toolbar not wrapped properly on mobile breakpoints - Preview.



  • Bootstrap v5.0.2 update integration - Preview.
  • Fixed deprecation warnings in Sass during compilation for / division following the Bootstrap authors recommendation.
  • Subscriptions app enhancements - Preview.
  • Customers app enhancements - Preview.


  • Demo 1 and Demo 5 toolbar/page title truncated on mobile mode.
  • Datatable sort icon position fix - Preview.



  • User Management app enhancements - Preview.
  • Customers app enhancements - Preview.
  • KTPlace component class name changed to KTSwapper and data-kt-place-* attribute name changed to data-kt-swapper-*


  • Support App overview page - Preview.
  • Support Tickets page - Preview.
  • Support Ticket View page - Preview.
  • Support Tutorials page - Preview.
  • Support Tutorials Post page - Preview.
  • Support FAQ overview - Preview.
  • Support Licenses overview - Preview.
  • Support Contact Us overview - Preview.
  • Image Input in-house plugin documentation - Preview.
  • Toggle in-house plugin documentation - Preview.
  • Triangle Ribbon in-house plugin new option - Preview.


  • Boxed Horizontal Menu Layout update - Preview.


  • Scroll in-house plugin documentation - Preview.
  • Drawer in-house plugin documentation - Preview.


  • FormValidation v1.8.1 plugin update - Preview.


  • Fixed Form Check validations show error message at a wrong place.


  • Demo 1 Laravel 8 version - Preview.


  • Blazor integration documentation enhancements - Preview.


  • Fixed Gulp dynamic demo path output by command option. Eg. gulp --demo5


  • Smooth Scroll plugin integration - Preview.
  • Bootstrap Alerts extended integration - Preview.
  • Bootstrap Tooltips dismiss on click option - Preview.


  • Blazor integration documentation enhancements - Preview.
  • DropzoneJS plugin integration enhancements - Preview.


  • Fixed gulp-dart-sass warnings with resolution "gulp-dart-sass/sass": "1.32.13" in packages.json
  • Fixed FormValidation message display in wrong container for sign-up forms - Preview.


  • Demo 1 Vue 3 version - Preview.
  • Toastr plugin integration - Preview.
  • Apexcharts plugin integration - Preview.
  • Chartjs plugin integration - Preview.


  • Access CSS variables in Javascript documentation - Preview.


  • Fixed Stepper demo's responsive issue - Preview.


  • Team page - Preview.
  • Licenses page - Preview.
  • Sitemap page - Preview.
  • AmChart Charts library integration - Preview.
  • AmChart Maps library integration - Preview.
  • AmChart Stock Charts library integration - Preview.
  • Clipboard plugin integration - Preview.


  • Blazor integration documentation enhancements - Preview.
  • FormValidation v1.8.0 update - Preview.
  • User Management app enhancements - Preview.
  • Subscriptions app enhancements - Preview.
  • Customers app enhancements - Preview.


  • Complete User Management app - Preview.
  • Advanced User List page with add/edit user modals - Preview.
  • Extended User Details page with user profile, settings, logs and more - Preview.
  • Advanced User Roles page with complete CRUD features - Preview.
  • Advanced User Permissions page with complete CRUD features - Preview.
  • Handy Ribbon component with complete documentation - Preview.


  • Bootstrap v5.0.1 update integration - Preview.
  • Blazor integration documentation enhancements - Preview.
  • DropzoneJS plugin integration enhancements - Preview.
  • Card component enhancements - Preview.


  • Classic Demo 5 with square style - Preview.
  • Font icon Aside and Header menu options - Preview.
  • UX friendly Landing page sticky header - Preview.


  • Landing page pricing table enhancements - Preview.
  • Blazor integration documentation enhancements - Preview.
  • Chat app enhancements - Preview.
  • Subscriptions app enhancements - Preview.
  • Customers app enhancements - Preview.
  • DropzoneJS plugin integration enhancements - Preview.
  • Card component enhancements - Preview.


  • Complete Landing for product showcase - Preview.
  • Popular DropzoneJS file upload plugin integration - Preview.
  • Handy Bootstrap Multiselectsplitter plugin integration - Preview.
  • High demand Google reCAPTCHA v3 plugin integration - Preview.
  • Interactive Typed.js plugin integration - Preview.


  • Blazor integration documentation enhancements - Preview.
  • Chat app enhancements - Preview.
  • Subscriptions app enhancements - Preview.
  • Customers app enhancements - Preview.


  • Blazor Framework integration documentation - Preview.
  • Complete Contact Us page with feedback form and interactive map - Preview.
  • Extended Bootstrap Tooltips integration - Preview.
  • Extended Bootstrap Popover integration - Preview.


  • Layout enhancements for iOS v12.x & v13.x
  • Chat app enhancements - Preview.
  • Subscriptions app enhancements - Preview.
  • Customers app enhancements - Preview.


  • Fixed Menus and Drawers toggle issue for iOS v12.x and v13.x.


  • Creative About Us page - Preview.
  • Complete Pricing & Plan Selection page - Preview.
  • Advanced Careers Listing page - Preview.
  • Fully functional Careers Application page Topbar chat button - Preview.
  • Classic FAQ page - Preview.
  • Extended FAQ page - Preview.


  • Chat app enhancements - Preview.
  • Subscriptions app payment methods listing enhancements - Preview.
  • Customers app details table enhancements - Preview.


  • Fixed Demo1 breadcrumb responsive issue on Mobile.
  • Fixed Demo1 topbar icons tooltip issue on Mobile.


  • Fully functional and flexible Chat app - Preview.
  • Extended Group Chat option - Preview.
  • Extended Drawer Chat option - Preview.
  • Global Quick Chat Messanger feature launched with the Topbar chat button - Preview.
  • Complete Invoice Management app - Preview.
  • Advanced Invoice 1 template - Preview.
  • Minimalistic Invoice 2 template - Preview.


  • Subscriptions app enhancements - Preview.
  • Customers app enhancements - Preview.


  • Fixed Select2 search input focus issue on modal.


  • Fully functional Subscriptions Management app - Preview.
  • Advanced Subscriptions Listing page - Preview.
  • Detailed Subscription View page - Preview.
  • Extended Subscription Add/Edit page - Preview.
  • Stylish Blog Home page - Preview.
  • Well-structured Blog Post page - Preview.
  • Awesome Fullscreen Lightbox plugin integration - Preview.


  • Customers app Javascript files reorganization.
  • Remember Demo 1 Aside Menu last scroll position.
  • DataTables plugin documentation improvement - Preview.


  • Fully functional Customers Management app - Preview.
  • Advanced Customers Listing page - Preview.
  • Detailed Customers View page - Preview.
  • Documentation for exclusive plugin KTStepper - Preview.


  • Other Documentation improvements.


  • Fixed long modal content overflowing issue.

Metronic v8.0.0 - 9 April, 2021


  • The first (Demo 1) HTML version for Metronic 8 with the most advanced enterprise ready solution.
  • New unified core framework (SASS, Javascript, Typescript, Webpack, Gulp) for HTML and SPA versions with flexible design system support.
  • Fully functional and real world business oriented solutions.
  • Custom tailored Bootstrap 5 components.
  • No design skills required, code without ever leaving your HTML editor.
  • No CSS/SASS coding required, our flexible CSS utility classes build on top of Bootstrap 5 will cover almost all your design needs.
  • 18 exclusive in-house components.
  • 30 deeply integrated popular 3rd party plugins.
  • Assets(CSS/JS) optimization up to 75%.
  • Gulp v4 & Webpack v5 based build tools refactoring with ES6.
  • Enhanced responsive layouts.
  • Overall Layout structure and performance improvements.
  • Native Custom Scrollbars (Perfect Scrollbar plugin dropped)
  • Components lazy initialization via HTML attributes (no more repeating JS code).
  • Fully functional pages, apps, modals, forms and datatable examples.


  • Typescript/ES6 support.
  • Other demos releases.
  • Angular, VueJS, React versions implementation.
  • Angular, VueJS, React authentication with real REST API.
  • Detailed documentation of in-house components.
  • Dark Skin support.
  • Frontend Launcher templates.
  • Limitless fully detailed pages.
  • More popular 3rd party plugins integration.
  • More advanced CRUD based apps and pages.
  • More advanced forms and input controls
  • And many more.
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