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Set the product thumbnail image. Only *.png, *.jpg and *.jpeg image files are accepted


Set the product status.

Product Details

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$ 2,420 2.6%
Average Daily Sales

Product Template

Assign a template from your current theme to define how a single product is displayed.


A product name is required and recommended to be unique.
Set a description to the product for better visibility.


Drop files here or click to upload.

Upload up to 10 files
Set the product media gallery.


Set the product price.
0 %
Set a percentage discount to be applied on this product.
Set the discounted product price. The product will be reduced at the determined fixed price
Set the product tax class.
Set the product VAT about.


Enter the product SKU.
Enter the product barcode number.
Enter the product quantity.
Allow customers to purchase products that are out of stock.



Set if the product is a physical or digital item. Physical products may require shipping.
Set a product weight in kilograms (kg).
Enter the product dimensions in centimeters (cm).

Meta Options

Set a meta tag title. Recommended to be simple and precise keywords.
Set a meta tag description to the product for increased SEO ranking.
Set a list of keywords that the product is related to. Separate the keywords by adding a comma , between each keyword.

Customer Reviews

Overall Rating:
Rating Customer Comment Date
Melody Macy
I like this design Today
Max Smith
Good product for outdoors or indoors day ago
Sean Bean
Awesome quality with great materials used, but could be more comfortable 11:20 PM
Brian Cox
This is the best product I've ever used. 2 days ago
Mikaela Collins
I thought it was just average, I prefer other brands July 25
Francis Mitcham
Beautifully crafted. Worth every penny. July 24
Olivia Wild
Awesome value for money. Shipping could be faster tho. July 13
Neil Owen
Excellent quality, I got it for my son's birthday and he loved it! May 25
Dan Wilson
I got this for Christmas last year, and it's still the best product I've ever used! April 15
Emma Bold
Was skeptical at first, but after using it for 3 months, I'm hooked! Will definately buy another! April 3
Ana Crown
Great product, too bad I missed out on the sale. March 17
Robert Doe
Got this on sale! Best decision ever! March 12
John Miller
Firesale is on! Buy now! Totally worth it! March 11

Activity Logs

There are 2 new tasks for you in “AirPlus Mobile App” project:
Added at 4:23 PM by
Meeting with customer
Application Design
In Progress
Project Delivery Preparation
CRM System Development
Invitation for crafting engaging designs that speak human workshop
Sent at 4:23 PM by
Task #45890 merged with #45890 in “Ads Pro Admin Dashboard project:
Initiated at 4:23 PM by
3 new application design concepts added:
Created at 4:23 PM by
New case #67890 is assigned to you in Multi-platform Database Design project
Added at 4:23 PM by
Alice Tan
You have received a new order:
Placed at 5:05 AM by

Database Backup Process Completed!

Login into Admin Dashboard to make sure the data integrity is OK
New order #67890 is placed for Workshow Planning & Budget Estimation
Placed at 4:23 PM by
Jimmy Bold
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